stealthjet made several unjustified points...
Loved the original over on Kongregate. Love this with the new units and things, was interesting enough and with enough new touches for me to enjoy.
Stealthjet said you should show that barriers can be destroyed, but I'm pretty sure that was covered in the in-no-way-over-lengthly character speach wasn't it? People playing games should take the time to read things like that on the first level.
I can't judge for instructions, having played the first game and remember how to play. I guess you could have ported over the old tutorial levels maybe, but I think the controls are pretty damn intuitive.
The warmachine being superpowerful? Well I guess it could have used a bigger range or something - I never got to fire it's weapon as I kept it well protected - as I feel you should do for your most important unit when vastly outnumbered ._.
And lag? Performance problems? None here. Played really smoothly.